Sunday, November 18, 2012

Media By Ankit Boora

Q.1 What are of two types of media?
Ans.1-(1) print- media is a type of media which is printed .
(2)Electronic media reach people through electronic Q.2-Who invented
televisnor ?
ANS.2 John L. Barid .
Q.3. Define the following : (a) Balance report -report
which disscus all points of view of a particular story. (B)
Indipendent media-means that no one has it influence on news.
(C) Agenda- Media decides an important role what to show next ,what
stories to focous on.
(D) Cencorship- when govt. Prevent either item of scenes from a movie
or lyrics from the song is censorship.

(A) Media is not free.
Ans. (1)Control that govt. have on media.
(2) Cencorship

Friday, November 2, 2012

Inbox (1) - - Gmail

Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities (Social Science)
1. What kinds of exchanges took place between nomadic pastoralists and settled agriculturists?
Ans. Nomadic pastoralists exchanged wool, ghee, etc. with settled agriculturalists for grain, cloth, utensils and other products.
2. How was the administration of the Ahom state organized?
Ans. Ahom society was divided into clans called khels. A khel controlled several villages. All adult males served in the army during war. People from heavily populated areas were shifted to less populated places. Peasants were assigned land by the village community.
3. What changes took place in varna-based society?
Ans. Within the varna-based society, smaller castes called jatis emerged. Jatis, rather than varna, became the basis for organizing society.
4. Were the Banjaras important for the economy?
Ans. The banjaras were very important for the economy. They helped traders by working as carriers. At the same time they carried on their own trade and also transported food grains for the Mughal army during their campaigns.
5. In what ways was the history of the Gonds different from that of the Ahoms? Were there any similarities?
Ans. The histories of Ahoms and Gonds were different in that while the Gonds were completely annexed by the Mughals, the Ahoms managed to reclaim their independence soon after their annexation. They were similar in the fact that both had risen from being small tribal communities to becoming powerful tribal states that modeled themselves on other centralized kingdoms.
6. How did tribal societies change after being organized into a state?
Ans. After being organized into a state, tribal societies gradually got divided into unequal social classes. The leading families joined the ruling class, while the others joined the lower jatis.